UDOT Open House for Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah 4-10-18 – Cyclists Encouraged to Comment


April 9, 2018 – Cyclists are encouraged to participate in the planning process for an update to the Little Cottonwood Canyon Road that extends from Sandy, Utah to Alta, Utah. The project will like affect both road and mountain biking in the canyon. Details below. Cyclists are encouraged to attend the open house, or comment via the website or email.

Rob Squire Hincapie Pro Cycling
UDOT’s road project could affect road and mountain biking in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Rob Squire (in front), Cycling Utah’s co-Rider of the Year, on his way to winning the 2015 Snowbird Hill Climb. Photo Dave Iltis.

PRESS RELEASE: April 9, 2018 – UDOT Announces Public Open House for Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement

New study to address traffic congestion in Little Cottonwood Canyon


SALT LAKE CITY (April 9, 2018) – The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Utah Transit Authority (UTA) and the USDA Forest Service (USDA FS) will host a public open house to address traffic congestion and safety in Little Cottonwood Canyon.

Scheduled April 10 from 4 to 8 p.m., the public open house will allow the public to provide comments on the Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The open house will be held at Cottonwood Heights City Hall, 2277 E Bengal Blvd.

UDOT, UTA and USDA FS are conducting the Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS to address traffic congestion, safety, and public transportation options for residents, visitors, and commuters on SR 210 from Fort Union Boulevard to the Town of Alta, which includes Little Cottonwood Canyon Road.

In consideration of numerous previous studies and public involvement efforts carried out by a range of agencies and stakeholders regarding potential transportation improvements in the project study area, the EIS team will develop and evaluate a range of alternatives that reduce congestion and improve recreation and tourism experiences in Little Cottonwood Canyon.

The official public scoping period for the Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS runs through May 4, 2018. Official public comments on transportation challenges and issues in the canyon will be collected via email at [email protected] and the study website at www.udot.utah.gov/littlecottonwoodeis.

The public can also get updates and notifications on the following channels:

  • Twitter: @UDOTlcceis
  • Facebook group: @UtahDOT under the page’s Groups: UDOT Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement (LCC EIS)
  • Instagram: @utahtransportation

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by UDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated January 17, 2017, and executed by FHWA and UDOT.

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