Marty Jemison’s 2000 Diary: From Murcia to Redlands


By Marty Jemison — The Murcia time trial was a chance to test my time trial bike … I thought I took it quite easy … but finished 22nd, I was truly practicing and thinking about the Redlands time trial … sometimes when there is no pressure, I can amaze myself … I think I was just having fun … make the bike go fast … get aero, pick a good line etc. … just geeking out. I was expecting a place in the 60s or 80s. the form is coming?

Now in Redlands … trying to deny jetlag, the fact that we just raced 5 days on another continent, and it was cold and rainy we started the first stage. We were attentive at the front … but there was confusion when we were lapping groups, some even for the second time … Clark and Dave Zabriskie somehow slipped away during this … who could blame them, but the rest of us had seemed to miss it … With two laps to go we knew, but there was only a halfhearted chase.

I felt good in the time trial but not great, the legs are still a bit heavy from the travels … I was a bit disappointed with 5th. we are here to win the race. WE had a minor celebration of Dylan’s win … mixed with tactics conversation for the next stages.

Today’s stage is leaving us very frustrated … it puts us in 4,5,6 (Levi Marty David) in GC, but still, that is not the leader’s jersey. Sunday’s stage will be the showdown. We can win.

Behind the scenes … tonight the team went to see ” Cider House Rules” after some local Mexican food., Last week I had intentions to write about Murcia … but spent a lot of time working with Dave teaching him how to get online with his Psion5. I use a Psion exclusively when I travel, Stephan K. also has one. A very practical handheld computer. more later ….

My writing is boring me at the moment so off I go …. maybe in these moments it would be better to just answer yes, no questions …



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