CAPSA Ride to Support Victims of Abuse on September 20, 2014 in Wellsville, Utah


By Amy Gilden

Domestic and sexual abuse is a topic few feel comfortable acknowledging let alone discussing. It’s a taboo subject at best and a preferred ignorance at worst. However the fact remains that in this world we reside lurks the darkness that is domestic and sexual abuse. As human beings we interact with other people on a daily basis. Is it unsettling to know that one out of every five people you meet has had or known someone who has had an experience with abuse? It’s frightening real and the only solution to bring these horrors to an end is to take a stand against it.

In a popular film it was once quoted “Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.” I take heart in knowing that there are people out there that carry this mind set of not turning a blind eye to the evil acts of domestic and sexual abuse. There is a group by the name of CAPSA (community abuse prevention services agency) and CAPSA exists to offer shelter to victims of these crimes as well as raise awareness to society in hopes to bring an end to abuse all together. In 2013 CAPSA provided shelter to 4 men, 96 woman and 131 children for a total of 4,595 nights of stay. Unfortunately an additional 126 requests for shelter went unmet because all the beds at CAPSA were occupied. With such upsetting statistics it is no wonder that CAPSA works tirelessly in their fundraising efforts. One of these fundraisers was born three years ago in the form of a bike ride. Coined by a survivor of abuse “Cruising To Stop Abusing”. This is a ride designed for all ages and abilities to participate in. A last jaunt through the crispness of fall before the winter settles in. I find this particular fundraiser most refreshing in its family involvement, the route winding its way through the most picturesque surroundings of cache valley and most importantly the gallantness of the cause itself. After all what rider wouldn’t enjoy such a ride all the while creating awareness plus raising funds to help the victims of abuse?

I for one applaud the good people at CAPSA and you can be sure that I shall be gathering my family and my bike come this September 20th to take my own stand against abuse; forsaking any indifference to the evil that is abuse.

Ride information: September 20 — CAPSA’s Cruising to Stop Abusing Ride|, Wellsville, UT, 10, 46, and 72 miles routes to choose from with the longer ride a perfect post-bike ride for all you LOTOJA riders). There will be fully stocked aid stations as well as lunch, Michelle Merrill, 435-753-2500, [email protected],


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