Utah Stolen Bike Listings

Utah Stolen Bike Listings on the Wasatch Front (Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, Orem, West Valley City, Davis County, Weber County, Utah County)

Whenever a stolen bike is reported to CyclingUtah or via BikeIndex.org, it’s information is displayed on this page and posted to the @CyclingUtah Twitter to help get the word out.

Unlocked bike
Unlocked and unattended bike waiting to be stolen.

In addition, its information is uploaded to stolen.bikeindex.org’s global clearinghouse of stolen bike information, making it available to the bike shops, pawn shops, police departments and private buyers using the BikeIndex database. By making this stolen bicycle information available, we cut down on the resale market for stolen bikes – and we recover many, many more bikes.

If you have located one of the bikes listed below, be sure to alert the owner via its BikeIndex listing – or email contact@bikeindex.org.

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