Emigration Canyon Share the Road Event Planned for October 8


On Saturday, October 8th, Salt Lake County is planning a Share the Road event in Emigration Canyon from 9 am until 12 noon.

The safe and peaceful coexistence of multiple forms of transportation depends on predictability.  Unlike many city streets, our beautiful canyon riding environments present cyclists and motorists with a more unpredictable and complex experience.  Critical decisions must be made on the spot by the individual, depending on a wider array of circumstances.  For example, riders will encounter disappearing shoulders, debris falling on the road daily, parked vehicles and pedestrians in shoulder that can’t be predicted.  For cyclists especially, places like Emigration Canyon Road can feel like a gauntlet rather than a leisure ride or a  steady commute. Emigration Canyon is unlike other Wasatch Front Canyons.  It has a relatively large residential population and it connects to a state highway and I-80, resulting in higher daily traffic volume.  It’s one of Utah’s most important bicycle routes, connecting Salt Lake City to Summit County and other scenic routes to the East.    A heavily used “urban canyon” road,  Emigration increasingly sees pedestrians, commuter and recreational cyclists, roller skiers and motorists compete everyday for space on this narrow, winding highway.  Conflicts and dangerous incidents between users continue to increase each year; the coexistence of bicycle and automobile can be precarious. Educating all users of Emigration Canyon Road is the first step to making this particular road safer.  This Saturday’s “Share the Canyon” event will focus on some of the most serious issues, such as the question of riding single file only and when Utah traffic code allows a cyclist to move to the center of the regular travel lane.  We’ll use maps, diagrams and models of the roadway to demonstrate the constantly changing conditions, and help explain which rules apply and where.  We’ll also take your comments and input on what can be done to make the road safer in the future.

The event will be held at the Camp Kostopulos parking lot at 4180 E. Emigration Canyon Road from 9:00 to 12:00.  It won’t be all hard work though, as Ruth’s Diner will offer a limited menu of coffee or orange juice with takeaway breakfast burrito for some extra energy to help finish your ride. All users of Emigration Canyon Road are encouraged to attend. Contact Colin Smith at 801-468-2500 or email  [email protected]  for questions.

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