Journalist and Bicycle Advocate Joe Kurmaskie to Give Talk on June 4, 2012 in SLC


Kurmaskie wheels into SLC with tales of cycling the globe
May 25, 2012—Salt Lake City—With little more than two wheels beneath him, journalist Joe Kurmaskie has traveled the globe. Kurmaskie, better known as the “Metal Cowboy” will lead a community bike ride with Mayor Becker on Jun 2, 10 am, starting at Library Square in Salt Lake City. The bicycle advocate will also share stories from his expeditions around the world in a presentation on Jun 4, 7pm in the Main Library Auditorium.
Kurmaskie recently returned from an epic bicycle journey across five African countries, and will talk about his experience there and his other tours, which have taken him to countries around the world. He will also discuss the nearly 4000 mile ride he took with his young family in tow.
Kurmaskie is an advocate of getting “off the couch and into the saddle” as a way for families to bond and become healthy together, offering, “We are on this quest to show all parents that you can have a great outdoor family vacation regardless of age or ability. You don’t have to ride across Canada like we are but you can absolutely enjoy a weekend of riding and camping, even if it’s only 10 miles a day. And on such a trip your family will grow closer and stronger. And you get to know your kids again!”
Students from the Salt Lake Center for Science Education will also have the opportunity to ride and talk with Kurmaskie, who will lead a ride and discussion with them on June 4.
The community ride on June 2 is open to cyclists of all ages, as is his presentation on June 4. For more information, visit

To read a couple of the Metal Cowboy’s columns, see our archives here.

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