Active Transportation and Health Summit to Be Held in Ogden, Utah on September 8, 2015


 Active Transportation and Health Summit to Feature Seminars and Panel Discussions

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August 21, 2015 – The Utah Active Transportation and Health Summit will be held on September 8, 2015 in Ogden, Utah. The event features seminars on active transporation (biking and walking). Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett will give the keynote address.

Session topics include Protected Intersections for Walking and Biking, Establishing “Quiet Street”Corridors on High-Traffic/High-Stress Roadways, Millennial Trends In Mobility, Examining Walk Travel Behaviors Along the Wasatch Front, Preventing Chronic Disease Through Safe Active Transportation Infrastructure in Rural Utah, and Improving Active Transportation Equity.

There will also be two panel discussions: Funding Active Transportation Projects and Connecting Communities & Health: Moving Beyond the Plan.

The event will conclude with a Mobile Active Transportation Tour of Ogden City.

The Utah Transit Authority, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Mountainlands Association of Governments, and the Utah Department of Health, are excited to announce that registration for the Active Transportation Health Summit is open at the following link:

The Health Summit will be held at the Ogden Eccles Conference Center, 2415 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 on September 8, 2015.

Please see the attached flier for additional information. ActiveTransportationHealthSummitRegistration

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