Bicycle Collective News for March 2016


By Deb Henry — This winter has been busy at the Bicycle Collective locations all over the State of Utah.

Bicycles are constantly and continuously being tuned up by skilled mechanics and the Collective is always looking for more bicycles to be re-purposed into the community as the warmer weather returns. The donation of bicycles by local scout troops, nonprofits, and locals plays an important role in the mission of the Collective: they’re upcycled and sold (or given away to goodwill clients). The revenue from the sales is reinvested in the educational programs that encourage STEM education in children, self-confidence for people experiencing challenges, self-reliance for those interested in someday biking across the country, and hands-on apprenticeships for future bicycle mechanics.

The locations in Ogden, Salt Lake, and Provo are anticipating the first warm day of spring which will find the DIY mechanic benches busy with the roads and trails busier with cyclists.

The Bicycle Collective is looking forward to seeing you in the shops and sharing their mission to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society.

The Collective provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community, focusing on children and lower income households.

Save the Date: Bike Prom is June 11th! Join 1500 cyclists as they ride through Salt Lake City dressed up for Prom to raise money for the Bicycle Collective.

Information about the Bicycle Collective can be found at


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