Bicycle Collective News September 2013


By Davey Davis — The Bicycle Collective is happy to announce its new classroom space is up and running, they have a few new programming developments to match. Free Earn-A-Bike kids classes will be enrolling 6-session courses through the fall and winter, and they will be teaching a frame building course beginning late September or early October.

Cycling West - Cycling Utah Magazine logoThe Bicycle Collective always welcomes volunteers during the day, fixing bikes for the youth classes, and at their Open Shops on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Evening volunteers need only to be enthusiastic about bikes and willing to help newcomers choose potential steeds based on their riding preferences.

The Leonardo Center is currently exhibiting a piece by the Collective in their Green Revolution show. It’s an excellent exhibit on resource efficiency – drop by and see it before mid October.

In upcoming events, the Collective will be screening a short film after Bike Party in Salt Lake City on Friday, September 13th in Reservoir Park at 8:00pm.

Another film, Rising From Ashes, will be screened 7:00 pm September 24th at the Main Library in a partnership between the Utah Film Center and the Bicycle Collective. 

Finally, they are hosting an open house in the 2312 S. W. Temple shop on Friday, September 27th from 5:30 to 7:30, where they’ll be unveiling some new women’s specific programming expand and augment Women’s Night and accepting a generous donation of $5000 from the Bonneville Cycling Club.


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