Bicycle Collective News for Spring 2014


By Davey Davis

It’s been a busy winter at the Bicycle Collective, all across the Wasatch Front, we’re ready for spring, and ready to see you!

Our Provo location has revamped and stepped up the level of organization, stop by and see it yourself. We are always looking for leads for investment or a donated space in Provo, which would allow our revenue stream there to fully support growing our youngest shop.

In Salt Lake we received a $20,000 investment in February from the Community Foundation of Utah’s first Call for Investments, one of two grants to be awarded after being winnowed down from 150 applicants. The funds will support our Earn-A-Bike classes, allowing us to immerse graduates from the course in the opportunities our shop provides, from core volunteering, to our apprenticeship, to work with our satellite locations. Each student will also receive a set of lights, a lock, a patch kit, and a helmet, so they can stick with their bike through thick and thin.

In the classes, we’ve got two new apprentices reporting that they’re learning a ton, and our first frame building class is drawing to a close. Both of these programs are ready to grow, so look out for our calls for enrollment.

Ogden is facing the task of revamping our new building, where we are well underway, sourcing creative solutions to a new electrical system through volunteer effort. Ogden is the focus of our Love Utah Give Utah campaign this March 20th, so be sure to spread the campaign like mad in Weber county. Quality Bicycle Products has generously made a $5000 matching grant to our renovation, doubling your money for the month of March.

See you soon. As always, the Bike Collective runs off of your donated time, bikes, and money, so keep us in mind for your generous contributions of all three!

Visit or call 801-FAT-BIKE for more information.


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