Bike Utah Gears Up For Big Year with New Executive Director


The New Year welcomed Phil Sarnoff as the new Executive Director at Bike Utah, the state’s bicycle advocacy organization. Phil brings a wealth of experience in active transportation and advocacy to this position.

Prior to starting with Bike Utah, Phil was the Program Manager during the initial year of GREENbike, Salt Lake City’s bike share program. He also started the SmartTrips program in Salt Lake City’s Division of Sustainability. SmartTrips is a community-based program that encourages use of walking, biking, and public transportation. This program is getting ready to start its third year in the neighborhoods adjacent to the Sugar House Streetcar. Phil also helped to conceive of the 2013 Year of the Bike initiative and worked with Salt Lake County to develop the Bicycle Ambassador Program. Outside of work, Phil helps to coordinate SLC Bike Party, which is a family-friendly, monthly ride that encourages everyone to get out on bicycles (see the calendar of events for details).

Bike Utah has another big year ahead in pushing their advocate, educate, ride agenda. The 2014 Utah Bike Summit will be held on April 25th at the University of Utah Guest House. More information about the Utah Bike Summit and registration are available at Again in 2014, Bike Utah is partnering to sponsor the Road Respect Tour that will be taking place in southern Utah this May and in northern Utah this June. Bike Utah’s biggest undertaking will be coordinating bicycle-related efforts across the state in order to draw from the collective momentum that is occurring all throughout Utah.

Most importantly, Bike Utah would like your participation in the process of making Utah the most bicycle friendly state in the country. Send an e-mail or give a call to Bike Utah to let them know what progress is being made in your area and where Bike Utah can be of assistance. Visit them at and ride safely.


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