Bike Utah Hosts Safe System Symposium on 11-10-22 in Response to Utah Cycling Deaths


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (November 9, 2022) — An uptick in distracted and impaired driving resulted in April 2022 having the highest number of road fatalities involving people not in a vehicle in Utah history.

A cyclist on the 200 E protected bike lane. Protected bike lanes are a key part of safe cycling systems. Photo by Dave Iltis

To address this uptick, Bike Utah, a statewide advocacy organization, is hosting policy makers and professionals from multiple industries around the state at the first Utah Safe System Symposium on November 10. Participants will engage in discussions and presentations about current trends, as well as begin to identify a collaborative statewide approach to safety-related research, education, policy, and outreach that improves outcomes for all road travelers.

“We started planning for this symposium in the spring of 2022, when Utah first experienced the uptick in deaths of cyclists,” said Bike Utah Executive Director Jenn Oxborrow. “Sadly, just last week, we were again reminded of the need for enhanced safety when two Ironman cyclists suffered serious bodily injuries caused by an impaired driver in St. George. These preventable deaths and injuries confirm the exigency for policy makers and industry professionals to collaboratively implement complete networks of safe transportation systems for all travelers in Utah.“

With the recent announcement from Governor Cox and Utah Department of Transportation, to expand a network of bike paths throughout Utah, planning for the safety of all Utahns on roadways is more important than ever.

WHAT: Utah Safe System Symposium

WHEN: Thursday, November 10, 2022, 1 pm – 5 pm

WHERE: University of Utah, Hinckley Institute of Politics, 260 Central Campus Drive (Gardner Commons, Room 2018)

WHO: Presenters and panelists include Positive Psychologist Louis Alloro; Deputy Director Sarah Hodson, Utah Department ofHealth and Human Services, Office of Health Promotion and Prevention; Deputy Director Ted Knowlton, Wasatch Front Regional Council; Representative Jeff Stenquist, Utah House of Representatives; Mayor Dirk Burton, City of West Jordan

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