Bike Utah News for Summer 2014


With all of the excitement of Utah Bike Month behind us, Bike Utah was able to take some time for events and meetings with old and new partners that will help to advance bicycling in Utah.

– Action Alert Update: Thank you for making calls and sending emails to Senator Hatch in regards to the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding cuts. The Finance Committee agreed to only make opening statements and to delay any votes so that the committee can work together on a bi-partisan solution to the highway Trust Fund. This will, hopefully, be a better long term solution. Thank you for your support and contacts to the Senator’s office, showing that bicycling is important to us here in Utah.

– We met with UDOT Director Carlos Braceras and Deputy Director Shane Marshall to discuss a variety of issues, including the best way for bicycle users to be an active part of the roadway planning process and how to best provide them feedback for roadway improvements.

– Representative Johnny Anderson was in attendance at our June board meeting to discuss transportation issues and how to continue the process of reaching out to legislators about the importance of active transportation.

– Bike Utah met with Troy Duffin and Sarah Marshall of Trails Utah to determine how we can both work to expand and improve trails throughout Utah.

– We also met with Lori Harward from the Utah High School Cycling League about expanding statewide opportunities for youth to get involved in mountain biking

– Our second Mobile Active Transportation Tour took in the Murdock Canal Trail from Orem to Lehi. More than 25 people were in attendance including all three Utah County Commissioners. Attendees learned about the benefits of an effectively implemented off-road, paved trail. Upcoming tours are planned for Farmington City, Ogden, and Moab.

– The northern leg of the Road Respect Tour took our group from Park City to Coalville for a community forum looking at road use along Chalk Creek. We then rode a loop from Morgan and had a children’s bicycle safety session. The tour finished up in Logan where we rode with more than 150 enthusiastic local riders and had a community expo.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter at so you can stay updated about what we are working on and how you can be involved in making Utah more bicycle friendly.


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