Bike Utah Update June 2013


By Scott Lyttle

May was National Bike Month – the events surrounding Bike Month in Utah have been endless. Everything kicked off on April 26 at the fifth annual Utah Bike Summit where 175 attendees heard from Utah Senators Niederhauser and Weiler, Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams and keynote speaker Tim Blumenthal from Bikes Belong.

Mayors across the state hosted Bike to Work days, highlighted by Provo City’s Bike to Work Day on May 14 when UTA joined Mayor John Curtis, that featured complimentary bike tune-ups, free helmets for kids and a ride with the Mayor.

On Friday, May 10 Salt Lake City saw over 200 people enjoy its first Bike Party, Bike Party’s give bicyclists of all types an opportunity to ride through Salt Lake in a safe, fun and friendly environment.

UTA hosted the annual Bike Bonanza in Gallivan Center with free helmet giveaways and an opportunity for attendees to learn about upcoming cycling events in Utah.

During the last week of May the Road Respect Tour kicked off with a Southern Utah tour with rides in Cedar City, Brian Head, St. George and Parowan City. The Road Respect tour will continue in mid-June along the Wasatch Front.

May also saw UDOT promote Deputy Director Carlos Braceras to Executive Director. Carlos joined us at the Utah Bike Summit and was even spotted riding the Cycle Salt Lake Century in the cold rainy weather. This is a great opportunity for Utah to continue our climb to becoming the premier cycling destination in the U.S.

Make your next trip to the grocery store, church, work or school by BIKE!

Executive Director

Bike Utah

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