BLM to Charge for Parking at Some MTB Areas in Montana and Colorado


By Charles Pekow — If you plan to drive to certain mountain biking areas on federal lands in Montana and Colorado, you may soon need to pay for parking. The fees are intended to support trail and land maintenance in these areas.

Starting May 15, 2025, parking in the Big Hole River Corridor in Montana will cost $5 per day or $20 for a seasonal pass. For more details, visit this link.

Similarly, beginning May 21, 2025, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will charge $4 per day or $20 annually to park at sites managed by the Uncompahgre Field Office in Colorado. Holders of certain federal passes, including the America the Beautiful Pass, National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Senior Pass, or Access Pass, as well as Golden Age or Golden Access Passport holders, will receive a 50% discount.



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