Governor Herbert Declares May as Utah Bike Month

The Governor's Proclamation.

By Curtis Clayton

For more than a century bicycling has long been a dependable, affordable, and sustainable form of transportation. To recognize the role bicycling has in our lives Utah is joining the rest of the nation in celebrating May as National Bike Month.

Governor Herbert has officially signed a proclamation declaring May as Utah Bike Month. Each May there are multitudes of fun events planned to remind us of the simple pleasure we reach by using bicycling for our daily travels. Utah Bike Month planning starts at the first of the year to make sure the activities keep rolling on year after year. It is a collective effort from a variety of different organizations around the state of Utah who love, endorse, and support bicycling as a form of transportation. The planning group is always open to more events, ideas, and support from the bicycling community. Please join us for one of these great upcoming events around the month of May.

On Tuesday, May 17th join Mayor Ralph Becker and Mayor Peter Corroon for the Salt Lake City/County Mayor’s Bike to Work Day ride which is an early morning ride from Liberty Park to the Salt Lake County Government Center and then on to the City and County Building in Salt Lake City. Bagels and beverages will be served at both the destination points. The police escorted ride will start at 7:30 a.m. from the northeast corner of Liberty Park. For information you can contact [email protected] 801-535-6118.

Also on Tuesday May 17th in Utah County you can join UTA Rideshare and in Provo City for the Provo and UTA Bike to Work Day from 7:30am-9:00am. Meet at the Historic County Courthouse West Lawn (University Avenue/Center Street). For information contact Stacey Adamson [email protected] 801-227-8958.

On Wednesday, May 18th is the Orem city and UTA Bike to Work Day from 7:30am-9:00am at Orem City Center Park North Pavilion (100 North 300 East in Orem). For information contact Stacey Adamson [email protected] 801-227-8958.

On Friday, May 20th 4:00pm-8:00pm the annual UTA Bike Bonanza will once again take place at Gallivan Plaza in downtown Salt Lake City (239 South Main St). Come join us for a free event to celebrate cycling. There is something for everyone from kids and families to weekend riders to racers. The firsts 75 children will receive a free bicycle helmet. First 300 attendees receive free water bottles. There will be a bike rodeo from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Bicycle trials shows at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, and 7:30pm. A free raffle at 6:30pm for bikes, bags, watches, bike accessories and more. You can also pick up your registration packet for the Cycle Salt Lake Century Ride at the event as well.

On Saturday, May 21st is the Cycle Salt Lake Century at 7:30am. Meet at Utah State Fair Park (155 North 1000 West). For registration and more information visit

Other bike week events include:

Support and raise awareness of Utah Bike Month by celebrating the many biking events taking place throughout Utah.


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