Is It Possible to Make High-Speed Roads Safe for Bikes?


By Charles Pekow — How can we make biking safer on high-speed-limit roads? The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is going to give a contractor $550,000 and two- and a half years to find out. TRB noted that the higher the speed limit, the more dangerous conditions are for bicyclists and pedestrians. So it issued a request-for-proposals to issue a report on Speed Management Strategies to Improve Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety on Arterials and Higher-Speed Roadways.

Currently, many high-speed arterial roads have no or sub-standard facilities for cyclists. The study seeks to find ways to make these roads safer for cyclists without significantly impacting its use as a surface highway. Photo by Dave Iltis

Most safety programs for cyclists have focused on low-speed roads. Methods that work on them (speed humps, bumps, turn lanes and reduced speed limits) may not be practical on high-speed roads, TRB notes.

The project will be tasked with reviewing existing efforts and studies and developing a guide for practitioners.



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