Kaysville and Farmington Bike Ped Plan Open House Set for December 8, 2015

Kaysville and Farmington are working on a bicycle and pedestrian master plan.
Kaysville and Farmington are working on a bicycle and pedestrian master plan.

December 8, 2015 – Kaysville and Farmington, Utah are jointly working on a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, there will be an open house at the Kaysville Library at 215 North Fairfield Road from 5-8:30 pm. Attendees can learn about the plan and view maps of the current trail and bike route system in the two cities. Input to the plan is welcome.

Additionally, results from a recent survey on biking and walking in the two communities will be available.

Some of the results include:

  • 60% of responses were from women.

  • The most desirable locations were parks, trails, paths, homes of friends and family members, school, and shopping.

  • People in Kaysville and Farmington are, for the most part, more likely to use public transit (buses and trains) when trips start on foot or by bike.

  • One of the top priorities was to make east-west connections across the freeway and other major roads safe, comfortable, and easy to use.

For details, visit walkbikekf.com


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