Congressional Act Officially Establishes McCoy Flats Trail System


By Charles Pekow –

As to BLM provisions, the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management & Recreation Act (S. 47) officially establishes a McCoy Flats Trail System in Uintah County and a San Rafael Swell Western Heritage & Historic Mining Recreation Area.

With regard to McCoy Flats, the law calls for establishing an official McCoy Flats Trail System to be developed within two years and include new mountain bike trails. “It is going to be super; we are really looking forward to it,” says Amber Koski, assistant field manager for BLM’s Vernal Field Office. Other than that, Koski referred questions to Jonathan Moor, public affairs specialist for BLM’s Green River District.

“We are still taking a look at this and trying to develop plans,” Moor says. “It is still a work in progress.” BLM hasn’t decided how to handle the public input process, he added.

The law gives BLM five years to come up with a recreation management plan for the San Rafael Swell and two years to develop an outdoor recreation plan, including bicycling. It must establish an advisory council within six months. The seven member San Rafael Swell Recreation Area Advisory Council must include one representative of “nonmotorized recreational users.” Moor says BLM will publish a notice in the Federal Register when it’s ready to seek nominations.


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