Manti-La Sal National Forest Taking Comments on Plan


By Charles Pekow — The Forest Service plans to update the Land Management Plan for the Manti-La Sal National Forest in Utah. It is taking public comment until October 25 on the environmental impact statement it is working on. The service plans to offer a draft plan next summer with a final statement the summer of 2023. The plan is intended to guide management of the forest for the next 10-15 years.

Manti-La Sal is a popular mountain biking destination for both tourists and locals, helping the local economy, the draft plan issued last year notes. The current management plan dates from 1986 and mountain bike use has increased dramatically since then.

Management indicated it is interested in ways to manage the Fish Creek National Recreation Trail for mountain biking and other mobility activities. The plan will deal with balancing conflicts among various trail users (mountain bikers, hikers, snow mobilers, etc.). For details and to get involved, see


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