Weber Pathways Has Fresh Push to Modernize Area Trails


Cycling West - Cycling Utah Magazine logoBy Rod Kramer

Our actual “on-the-ground” project work here at Weber Pathways tends to happen in cycles. Some years we are more focused on planning, permitting and fundraising in anticipation of new trail construction, than moving dirt. In 2015 we completed some significant trail sections, and now in 2016 we will switch back to that planning mode. We will also shift our volunteer workforce into maintenance mode to keep the existing trails in good shape.

Much of our historic trail system was built without the benefit of modern trail design technique, and additionally has seen significant wear over the years. Many of the trails, particularly those heavily used trails on the front side of the mountains, have become “cupped”, which creates a path for water to speed up the erosion process. This spring, in partnership with Wasatch Civil Engineering, we are undertaking an effort to modernize key sections of these cupped and worn trails. A group of experienced trail builders with knowledge of the latest trail design techniques will lead volunteers on eight Saturday work sessions into June. We feel this is an important project that will lay the groundwork for on-going modernization effort, a key factor in keeping the network viable and useful. If you have questions or would like to provide input, please contact the Weber Pathways office or email [email protected].


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