Due June 3: NHTSA Seeks Comments on National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behavior


By Charles Pekow — The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) invites public comments about its National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors. NHTSA wants to survey 7,500 adults about “the extent to which Americans engage in walking and bicycling activity, their attitudes toward and experience with various facilities, road conditions, and technologies, and their opinions on pedestrian and bicycling safety topics.”

The Richmond-San Rafael Bridge bike and pedestrian path, as depicted in a design rendering, is slated to open this spring. (Courtesy of Bay Area Toll Authority)

The survey would be mailed to households in English and Spanish with the option of completing it online or by mail. NHTSA has conducted such a survey every decade, starting in 2002. it plans to use the results to help design safety programs.

Comments are due June 3. See https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2022-04-04/pdf/2022-06989.pdf for instructions on how to participate.


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