Ogden Bicycle Mechanic Apprenticeships Available


Cycling West - Cycling Utah Magazine logoBy Davey Davis

The Ogden Bike Collective’s Bicycle Mechanic Apprenticeship Program is right around the corner and applications are available today!

The OBC’s Bike MAP program is the first of its kind in the Ogden community. Bike MAP apprentices have the opportunity to train with professional bike mechanics to develop the skills they need to land positions in Ogden’s burgeoning bicycle industry scene. Under the supervision of director Clint Watson and our staff and volunteers, apprentices will apply themselves to 8 weeks of intensive study, following a customized curriculum based on the Park Tool School courses and have the opportunity for hands-on learning while shadowing mechanics during open shop hours at the Collective.

We are working closely with managers of all of the bike shops in the area to assure that apprenticeship graduates meet their particular needs and employee requirements. We are also working with Ogden City to find ways to develop and expand the program to keep up with demand as the number of bicycle related business in Ogden continues to grow.

We’re very excited to be offering this program and look forward to launching it in just a few short weeks. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for an apprenticeship, please visit our website (ogdenbikecollective.org) and submit a completed application in person at our shop at 936 28th St. during open hours (Tue/Wed 5-9 or Sat 12-5) or by calling ahead at 801-997-0336. For more information or any questions, feel free to call, come in, or email Clint at [email protected].

For the less rigorous volunteer, consider coming to our weekly mechanic classes on Thursdays. Class at 6pm at the shop (936 28th St), free of charge and everyone is welcome!

For info: www.bicyclecollective.org/locations-a-hours/ogden/item/431-obc-bicycle-mechanic-apprenticeship-program

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