Ogden to Develop Bicycle Master Plan – Open House on February 5, 2015


January 28, 2015 – The City of Ogden, Utah has begun the process to develop a Bicycle Master Plan. The plan will help determine bike facilities, destinations, corridors, and programs for the city.

The plan will cost $100,000 and will be funded through a $93,000 Transportation Alternatives grant through the Utah Department of Transportation and the Wasatch Front Regional Council as well as $7000 from Ogden City.

Josh Jones of Ogden City said, “Over the last few years, Ogden has positioned itself as a bike industry hub but its bike facilities have lagged behind. The bike plan gives the framework to build the culture and facilities for Ogden to be a bike friendly city and bike hub for the US.” WOBAC (Weber Ogden Bicycle Advisory Committee), which Jones spearheads, wrote the grant for the funding for the plan.

One interesting note is that Bike Share may be coming to Ogden sometime in the future. Potential locations for stations are part of the plan scope.

As part of the initial planning process, an open house will be held on February 5, 2015 at Union Station, 2501 Wall Avenue, Ogden, UT, 84401 at Gallery 51 from 5-8 pm.

For more information on the process, contact Kyle Cook at Fehr & Peers Consulting at 385-282-7509 or [email protected].


Cycling Utah received the following information from Fehr and Peers regarding the Ogden Bicycle Plan and the process:

Ogden City is in the process of developing a Bicycle Master Plan, which will shape the bicycling environment in Ogden for years to come. The purpose of the Bicycle Master Plan is to articulate a comprehensive set of goals and strategies that facilitate implementation of bicycle facilities and encourage their use. The process involves numerous public agencies, including the Utah Department of Transportation, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Weber State University, Utah Transit Authority, and Weber County.  Additionally, we are engaging community organizations like Weber Pathways, Ogden Trails Network, Ogden Bicycle Collective as well as local bike-related business leaders.

Most importantly, the Master Plan process involves engaging the community – the people who will eventually use the system to get to work and school, recreate, and so forth. We are looking for your feedback on facility types, key bicycling destinations, important corridors, and all things related to bicycling in Ogden. To create a successful plan, we need your help!

Attend the February Open House and give us your ideas!

February 5, 2015

Union Station, 2501 Wall Ave., Ogden, UT 84401

Gallery 51, 5-8 PM


Following the February Open House the project team will develop draft recommendations that will be presented at a second open house. The date of the next open house will be finalized later, but will occur in the summer of 2015.  As the project moves forward additional information will be posted to the Ogden City website. If you are unable to attend the February Open House the meeting materials will be posted there.


The Master Plan will include analysis and recommendations that include the following:

  • A summary of existing on-street facilities, end-of-trip facilities at major destinations, high bicycle activity locations, barriers identified by the public and previous planning efforts, and locations with higher-than-usual crash rates.


  • Recommendations for a system of facilities and amenities, based largely on feedback from the public, Steering Committee, and Stakeholders. Emphasis will be placed on establishing comfortable bicycle facilities that appeal to the 8 to 80 population and provide key connections to existing bicycle facilities, existing and future transit facilities, and surrounding communities. In addition to corridor recommendations, consideration will be given to enhanced intersection treatments such as bicycle signal heads, enhanced markings, bike boxes, and turn lane mixing zones.


  • Coordination with UTA’s First/Last Mile Strategies Study and the Utah Collaborative Active Transportation Study (UCATS) 2 to identify bicycle-related improvements at the Ogden Transit Center that could potentially increase transit ridership.


  • Recommendations for locations for on- and off-street bicycle parking facilities, based on a review of existing supply of bicycle parking and likely places of high demand for bicycle parking. The Master Plan will also recommend bicycle parking ordinance language including short-term and long-term parking requirements.


  • Analysis of potential locations for bike share stations. This analysis will take into consideration factors such as employment and population density, intersection density, land use mix, presence of major employment and residential centers, and other elements known to influence bike share usage.
Ogden will hold an open house for the upcoming Bicycle Master Plan on February 5, 2015 from 5-8 pm at Gallery 51 in Ogden.
Ogden will hold an open house for the upcoming Bicycle Master Plan on February 5, 2015 from 5-8 pm at Gallery 51 in Ogden.
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