Participate in the Utah State of Bicycling Survey!


By Abeer AlJanahi — It’s been a long time since the last statewide bicycling survey and a lot has changed in Utah. The last bicycle related survey in the State of Utah was the Household Travel survey in 2012. In order to get more current data, Bike Utah has created a Utah State of Bicycling Survey.

We want to look at bicycling in all its forms, so we’re asking about bicycle commuting, road biking, and mountain biking. Through this survey, we hope to obtain feedback from a wide spectrum of bike riders and non-riders in the state. The goal is to get at least 1,000 responses on the survey. The more responses we get, the more accurate our data and the better we can use this data to inform Bike Utah’s initiatives and programs. We are looking to understand the reasons people choose to bike or not to bike. This includes environmental factors, such as better bike lanes or cleaning up road shoulders and personal factors, such as access to equipment or bicycle education.

This survey will help us advance Utah as a better state for bicycling and let us know what communities in Utah need to get more people riding. If you want to learn more about Bike Utah, please visit us at our website If you would like to be a part of the effort to make Utah a better state for bicycling, please take our survey at


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