Brian Fukushima’s Answers to Salt Lake City 2017 City Council Election Candidate Questionnaire on Bicycling in Salt Lake City for Cycling Utah
Background: Cycling is a healthy and fun form of transportation and recreation that improves livability, health, and economy in Salt Lake City. We ask these questions to provide information to Salt Lake City’s citizens regarding your outlook on cycling. We will publish the answers on CyclingUtah.com as we receive them.
Candidate Information: Please provide your name, contact info for your campaign, council district (describe too) and if you like, a brief statement regarding your candidacy.
Council Candidate Questions:
What is your vision for cycling (both road and mountain biking) in Salt Lake City? What would you do to make that vision happen (planning, budget, infrastructure, education, safety, economy, etc.)?
I am a former competitive cyclist and a current avid recreational cyclist. My vision for Salt Lake City road cycling includes more bike lanes for commuting and recreation, bike lanes separate from traffic, wider bike lines along common recreational routes. My vision for Salt Lake City mountain biking includes more trail access, responsible trail development in the foothills, better stewardship and volunteer trail maintenance, and the development of a mountain bike skills/terrain park. To accomplish this vision, funding from government sources (federal, county, city) to improve road bike lanes to encourage human powered transit and a reduced carbon foot print is essential. Likewise grant, city and county funds as part of parks and recreation would help fund trail development and a mountain bike park.
What is the biggest issue for cyclists currently in Salt Lake City and what will you do to address it?
Traffic safety and the construction of new bike lines is the most pressing issue to road cyclists. Cyclist and driver education to encourage respect and define rules can help with the problem. The biggest issue for mountain cyclists in Salt Lake City is the development of new trails and maintenance of existing trails in the foothills.
What would you like to see in your district in regards to bicycling?
I would like to see safer road bike routes with less traffic and lower speeds and bike lanes free of debris. I would like to see new trail systems with maps, signage, one -ways, downhill hill only and a skills development section for new cyclists and families.
In your district, the following is an issue for cyclists: The Marmalade, Fairpark, and Rose Park area have some great spots for cycling, but the crossing of I-15 and other areas need vast improvement. What are your thoughts on our Proposal for Better Bicycling in the area: https://www.cyclingwest.com/advocacy/road-advocacy/proposal-better-bicycling-marmalade-rose-park-fair-park-area-salt-lake-city/
What are your thoughts on this and what would you do on the Council to address it?
I am fully supportive of this vision. This program would encourage more road cycling, safer cycling routes, and more options for commuting and recreation. Developing bike lanes in this area would hopefully reduce driving and our carbon footprint, encourage new populations to ride, provide more cycling options for under served areas, and allow for responsible growth in this part of the city.
What cycling initiatives would you bring to the Council?
As mentioned above, I am an advocate of more and safer road bike routes, new and responsible trail development, and cycling related programming (bike festivals, organized rides, volunteer trail maintenance, etc)
Would you favor strengthening the Complete Streets Ordinance? If so, how? (http://www.bikeslc.com/GetInvolved/MasterPlansandPolicies/PDF/CompleteStreetsOrdinance.pdf)
I am in favor of the Complete Streets Ordinance. I am in favor of increasing safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists within the city. There are obvious benefits for physical and mental health as well as for the environment in terms of reducing our carbon foot print and emissions. This is one pathway to accomplish Salt Lake City’s green initiatives. Public and private partnerships, funding, and legislation are all key components.
Regarding the proposal 10,000 Wheels for Affordable Transportation, what are your thoughts and would you commit to working to implement this if you are elected? (https://www.cyclingwest.com/advocacy/cycling-utah-calls-for-10000-wheels-initiative-for-affordable-transportation-in-utah/)
The 10,000 wheels initiative is a wonderful idea. Again, this is one method in which Salt Lake City can reach its environmental goals such as the Climate Positive 2040 aspirations. Such private and public partnerships to help low income and moderate income individuals and those desiring human powered transportation is a worthy cause.
Regarding the proposal for a comprehensive recreational cycling plan for Salt Lake City, what are your thoughts and would you commit to working to implement this proposal if you are elected? (https://www.cyclingwest.com/advocacy/a-proposal-for-a-salt-lake-city-recreational-cycling-plan/)
I am in full support of all elements of this comprehensive recreational cycling plan. Again, I am an avid cyclist and I enjoying riding as much as I can. I do enjoy riding on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail but this trail system has been neglected both in terms of maintenance and development. Multiple studies have shown that well constructed, environmentally friendly trail networks have health, well being, social , and economic advantages to a community.
The 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was passed by the Council in 2015. What will you do to ensure its implementation?
I will be a tireless and passionate advocate for the cycling community. As an orthopedic surgeon and an outdoors athlete, I value our environment and wish to be a good steward of our land. One of the reasons I live in Salt Lake City is our access to great road and mountain riding. I wish to enhance this experience for future generations.
Do you ride a bicycle? Tell us more about how and where you ride.
I have limited time and I used to race bikes. Now I ride recreationally and do so primarily near the city. I spend much of my time on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, City Creek Canyon and Emigration Canyon to Big Mountain.
I ride the following now:
Santa Cruz 5010 mountain bike
Cannondale Synapse race bike
Cannondale Cyclocross 5 cyclocross bike
Surly Special Ops Fat bike
11. Tell us more:
I enjoy riding within our city limits. I am a supporter of cycling and the development of cycling within our community. I enjoy riding with my family and I hope to inspire many others to ride and push their limits.