Report: City Bike Stress Rankings


How much is your city doing to help you bike to work? Researchers at the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota looked at bicycle infrastructure in the nation’s 50 largest cities and ranked them according to the stress involved in biking to work.

The report gave all cities two rankings: how well the created infrastructure so riders could get to jobs via “low-stress” routes (defined mainly as separated bike lanes); and “medium stress” (bike lanes on streets, streets with sharrows).

You might not have expected it, but when it comes to low-stress routes, New York City proved the best place to cycle to work, no matter how long your commute takes. Memphis, TN finished last. In the Mountain West, Denver ranked fourth; Salt Lake City 13th, Phoenix 14th; and Las Vegas a disgraceful 40th.

When it comes to medium stress, Denver again finished fourth; with Salt Lake City up a notch at 12th, Phoenix 16th and Las Vegas 31st.

See Across America: Biking 2017 at


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