1000 Miles Campaign Aims to Build 1000 Miles of New Trails and Pathways by 2027 in Utah


By Chris Wiltsie

In 2017 Governor Herbert initiated the 1,000 Miles Campaign with a goal to build 1,000 new miles of family-friendly bike lanes, paths, and trails by 2027. This effort will set Utah on course to be the premier bicycling destination for all riding disciplines and skill levels.

Bike Utah is the nonprofit partner designated to carry out the implementation of the 1,000 Miles Campaign. We provide strategic planning, technical assistance, and connections to financial resources, so communities can begin or continue developing bicycling in their area. We are particularly interested in working with communities on paved projects, e.g. multi-use paths and physically protected lanes. We can also assist with mountain bike trails!

Bicycling provides a multitude of benefits for invested communities ranging from increased quality of life to roadway decongestion. We can help you understand how best to leverage these benefits through diverse types of infrastructure that meet the precise needs of your community.

Since the creation of the 1,000 Miles Campaign, Bike Utah has assisted seven counties and eighteen communities throughout the state to implement plans and encourage progress. Also, we have tracked 61 miles of relevant infrastructure and trails built since 2017.

Blake Olorenshaw, Daggett County Economic Develop Committee Chairman, said of a current 1,000 Miles effort in his county, “I remember hearing about plans and rumors to get a bike path/walking path since the early 2000’s. Once we were put in contact with the 1,000 Miles Program, the rumors are becoming a reality. We are in the process to get a bike path in our wonderful community. This is game changing! This will make the amazing place next to Flaming Gorge even more accessible.”

We need your help to track more miles! We know that many more family-friendly miles have been built in Utah since the 1,000 Miles Campaign was initiated.

We are looking for maps with descriptions including your name, project name, location, distance, a short description of the type of infrastructure, and any available photos. When the information is verified, it will be recorded here: BikeUtah.org/1000miles  .

Here are basic standards for what constitutes a family friendly bike path, lane, or trail to be supported and tracked by the 1,000 Miles Campaign.

Paved Infrastructure

  • 0 – 25 mph – Neighborhood Bikeway; no Separation but requires signage/markings designating space as bicycle friendly with appropriate road treatments to reinforce speed limit
  • 26 – 44 mph – Physically Protected Lane; curbs, bollards, etc. may be used as physical protection for cyclists
  • 45+ mph – Multi-Use Path separated by at least a median or grade separation
Bike Path Typology (From Salt Lake County's Bikeway Design Guide, https://slco.org/uploadedFiles/depot/fRD/planning_transportation/SLCoBikewayDesign.pdf)
Bike Path Typology (From Salt Lake County’s Bikeway Design Guide, https://slco.org/uploadedFiles/depot/fRD/planning_transportation/SLCoBikewayDesign.pdf)

Images sourced from Salt Lake County Regional Planning & Transportation; Bikeway Design

Mountain Bike Trails

  • A range of difficulties are allowed so long as signage is posted indicating the level of difficulty. These may range from Easiest to Extremely Difficult (white circle to double black diamond).

See: https://www.imbacanada.com/resources/maps/trail-difficulty-ratings

Ready to get your community involved? Know of infrastructure that belongs on the map? Please send any questions, requests, and submissions to [email protected].


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