Advocacy Alert: Comments Needed To Make I-15 Bike Crossings Safer


It might get easier and safer to cross I-15 by bike between Salt Lake City and Farmington – in the long run. The Federal Highway Administration and Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) started the preliminary phase of a plan to improve all types of transportation in the corridor.

The agencies announced a notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement that may include improving and/or expanding bike crossings of the interstate and improving highway traffic flow in ways that make biking safer and more pleasant.

“The proposed project study area extends on I-15 from the Park Lane interchange (I-15 milepost 325) in Farmington to the 400 South interchange (I-15 milepost 308) in Salt Lake City,” according to the plan announcement in the Federal Register.

The public may submit suggestions until May 13. UDOT will conduct public hearings and outreach later. UDOT intends to issue a draft next year and a final decision early in 2024. “We will definitely look at all modes of travel. We are going to ask the community what do they want,” Project Manager Tiffany Pocock explains.”We are looking at a 2050 design scenario.” At this stage, the agencies haven’t developed specifics.

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