Partial Big Cottonwood Canyon Closure to Cyclists for Repaving
Salt Lake City, Utah – Big Cottonwood Canyon is closed to cyclists from milepost 8 to the top, starting June 24 through August 2020. Paving will start approximately 1 mile up the canyon from the Moss Ledge Picnic Area to the Winter/Summer Gate on the Guardsman Pass Road. Additionally, the Brighton town loop road will be paved.

UDOT’s Big Cottonwood Canyon Project website states that cyclists will be restricted during the project.
The $4.5 million project is a pavement rehabilitation project that will grind off 3 inches of road surface and replace it with new asphalt. The UDOT project page does not indicate if lane widths will be adjusted to 11′ to accommodate wider shoulders and/or bike lanes.
One way, flagged traffic control will be implemented for motor vehicles. Also, except for local traffic, the Guardsman Pass road is expected to be completely closed from July 7-8.
UDOT’s website outlines pedestrian and cyclist restrictions:
Pedestrians and Cyclists
- Pedestrians and cyclists will be restricted during daylight hours Monday through Thursday at various points between milepost 8 and the Brighton Ski Resort. These restricted access points will vary daily throughout the project as crews progress with paving operations.
- There will be no restrictions for pedestrians and cyclists Friday through Sunday.
Another simultaneous project will install a pedestrian crossing signal at Cardiff Fork, milepost 10, at the Donut Falls turnoff.