July 1, 2011 – SALT LAKE CITY — The City Library, with the Salt Lake PoliceDepartment, the Salt Lake Bike Collective and the Salt Lake City Mayor’sBike Advisory Committee, are ‘gearing up’ for Bike Night at the City Library, which will be held on July 6 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. on LibrarySquare.
Bicyclists of all ages and abilities are invited to an evening of bike skills, safety, registration, and information. With presentations and information from a variety of local experts, Bike Night will ensure Salt Lake City residents have the know-how to stay safe while riding in allconditions and keep their bikes secure while they enjoy the city.
Bike Night is sponsored by The City Library, the Salt Lake City PoliceDepartment, Salt Lake Bike Collective, And the Salt Lake City Mayor’s BikeAdvisory Committee.
Events:- The Salt Lake City Police Department will offer bicycle registration andpresent their Bike Rodeo, a hands-on riding skills and safety course forkids, including free helmets for participating children.- The Salt Lake City Police Department will present “Respect is a Two-WayStreet,” information about staying safe and respectful while biking on citystreets.- The Salt Lake Bike Collective will demonstrate how to lock you bike forsecurity in any situation and provide bike valet for attendees.- The Salt Lake City Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee will distribute bikeways maps and receive community comments on ways to improve Salt LakeCity for bicyclists.
Bike Night at The Salt Lake City Library July 6
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