Brief Editorial: Create a New Salt Lake City Neighborhood Hub at 1700 S and Main Street


A Brief Editorial and thoughts on 1700 S and Main Street in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City is proposing to redesign 1700 S from 300 W to State Street this year. See:
for details.
1700 S and Main Street in Salt Lake City will get a redesign in 2019 that may remove a traffic lane, add parking, and improve the bike lanes. Photo by Dave Iltis
The following are some brief thoughts on the area.
Create a new neighborhood hub at 1700 S and Main Street
  • It could be similar to 9th and 9th or 15th and 15th, or The Granary
  • It needs proper branding. What could you call it? Is there a historic neighborhood name?
    • Penna Powers, an advertising and marketing agency, is nearby, perhaps they could help with this.
  • Coalescing around a neighborhood hub concept 
  • With the 1700 S street redesign, which received CIP funding:
    • The goal needs to be a walkable, bikeable, transit accessible low stress neighborhood that fosters community interaction and business success.
    • The bike lane should be parking protected, similar perhaps to 300 E. And run from 300 W to just east of State Street.
      • This would have the effect of slowing down traffic, and making the street safer and more pleasant for everyone.
      • It would help the businesses in the area both by adding parking, and by making the area a destination.
      • It would be safer for bikes, cars, and pedestrians by slowing down speeds and reducing stress.
    • Crosswalks need to be added, for example at Richards Street.
    • A Greenbike station could be planned.
    • A protected bike lane on Main Street should be added, as well as improvements at the intersection of Main and 1700 S.
  • The project should extend just to the east of State Street, since there will no longer be the need for 4 lanes here.
  • The neighborhood has many of the key features needed already – good restaurants and social clubs, a market, the People’s Freeway Park, bike lanes and sidewalks. A concept/brand to rally around would give life and a larger purpose to the 1700 S redesign.

Note: 1700 S will be discussed at the Ballpark Community Council Meeting on March 7, 2019 at 7 pm. at Taylor Springs Apartments, 1812 S. West Temple. Cyclists are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts.

1700 S and Main Street in Salt Lake City will get a redesign in 2019 that may remove a traffic lane, add parking, and improve the bike lanes. Photo by Dave Iltis
The bike lanes should be extended to approximately 150 E on 1700 S if the project redesign goes through since there would be no need for 2 traffic lanes here. Photo by Dave Iltis
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