Murray City Finally Considering Bike Safety and Bike Lanes


As many of you are aware Murray City is behind on promoting bike safety and implementing bike lanes.  From Master Plans that go back to 1999, Murray City has only completed a short section of 4800 South as shared parking/biking lanes with a few signs.


In a potentially positive step promoting a bike friendly Murray, next Tuesday, May 6 at 5:30PM, Doug Hill, the city’s Public Services Director, will be leading a discussion with the city council concerning bike lanes.  Since Murray is the geographic and transportation hub of the Salt Lake Valley, implementing bike lanes, routes and paths through and around Murray will have a positive impact on all cyclists in the Valley.  Everyone should consider attending this meeting since it is important that Director Hill, the city council and the new mayor understand the importance and many benefits of creating a safe biking environment.  The meeting will be held next Tuesday, May 6 at 5:30PM in the Council Chambers at the Murray City Center, 5025 S State Street.


While some of the concepts in Murray City’s Master Plan involve significant costs, to get started there are ways to work on a few key thorough fares outlined below that could be quickly accomplished by simply painting bike lanes, painting bike lane indicators on the road and placing bike lane signs, Share The Road Signs etc.  These include Winchester/6200 South from 1300 East to 1300 West, Vine Street from IHC/5300 S TRAX Station to Van Winkle Expressway and especially 900 East.


A startup citizens group called Cycle Murray, is in the process of establishing a Biking Advisory Group to promote safe cycling in Murray and to advocate the city to develop biking facilities including bike lanes, paths and parking.   You can get more information about Cycle Murray at



– Keith G. Bateman

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