News from Bike Utah


Winter is just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean that Bike Utah isn’t hard at work preparing for 2012.

The Utah Bike Summit planning committee is hard at work planning for the annual spring conference. We are excited to build off of last year’s success. The State of the Bike reports were a great addition, and we will continue to offer advocacy workshops. The summit is tentatively scheduled for May 4, 2012 in Ogden.

The Road Respect campaign continues this year with the kick-off event, Ride Across Utah, scheduled in early June. The organizing committee is busy planning the route, seeking sponsorship and working with the media to build publicity for the campaign. Visit for more information.

Bike Utah is partnering with a group of University of Utah students on a proposal for the Reworking of The goal of the refashioned website will be to further the mission of Bike Utah by offering cyclists a simple and attractive main page, expanded information on current and past legislation, and integrated Google maps. The new website should be up and running before years end.

Bike Utah is a non-profit member supported organization. We hope that as the year comes to an end you will consider becoming a member or making a donation to Bike Utah,

We still need 20 more Share the Road license plates sold to reach the 500 threshold. The money raised through the $25 annual fee goes to directly to support bicycle advocacy that promotes education, trail and road accommodations, law enforcement, legal resources, commercial development, and cycling as a part of healthy lifestyle. Please order your Share the Road plates at your local DMV or visit:

For up to date information please visit or follow us on at

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