Park City Considering Allowing Buses on Shoulders of SR-224, Cyclists’ Opinions Wanted


UDOT, Park City, and Summit County will be holding an open house to discuss allowing transit buses on the shoulders of SR-224 tonight, Dec. 3, 2013 from 5-7 pm at Richins Building Auditorium, 1885 West Ute Blvd, Park City, UT. The proposal will create a shared lane for buses and bikes. Currently, only bikes are allowed on the shoulders. Roller skiers, runners, and others also use the shoulder.

Bikes and buses would potentially share the the east side shoulder of SR 224 from Cutter Lane to Newpark Blvd in Park City. Only Park Ckty Transit buses and cyclists would be allowed on the shoulder. Buses would need to stay below 35 mph, and would need to yield to cyclists as well as give them 3′ of clearance. Buses would only use the shoulder when traffic is congested. If the plan moves forward, it would begin in summer 2014 when the road is repaved.

To weigh in on the proposal, take the survey here:

The project team will be available to answer questions. For more information, call 888-803-3921.

Download the flier: SR 224 Shared Lanes Open House flier


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