September 11, 2015 – Riverton City, Utah is in the process of producing a study on biking and walking in the city. The study will set the stage to plan bicycling infrastructure including cycling and walking routes for Riverton over the next few years.
As part of the process, Riverton is conducting a survey to ask people about the biking and walking conditions in Riverton. They will also seek input from residents and various organizations before beginning work on creating better active transportation conditions in Riverton.
The goal of the study, according to Riverton’s website is:
The goal of the study is to evaluate the current infrastructure and provide additional routes that will produce a complete system, connecting citizens to shopping centers, schools, city buildings, parks, venues, commercial districts, neighboring cities and Riverton’s downtown. This will allow for a safer, healthier alternative transportation method throughout the community and help reduce the amount of single-occupant drivers on the road.
For more information on the study, see: http://www.rivertoncity.com/displayarticle421.html
Alta Planning and Design, a national biking and walking consulting firm with offices in Salt Lake City, has been contracted to produce the study
The study was funded by a grant from the Wasatch Front Regional Council and Salt Lake County.
To take the survey, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RivertonWalkBike