Salt Lake City to Reconstruct 900 S., Add Bike Path – Open House to be Held on 2-8-18


Cycling West - Cycling Utah Magazine logoFebruary 8, 2018 – Salt Lake City is hosting an open house to discuss the reconstruction of 900 S and the construction of additional sections of the 9 Line Trail.

The street is in bad shape with rough pavement and potholes in many places. The reconstruction is expected to begin in May 2018 and will run from 950 E to 1300 E.

A new section of the 9-Line bike path will be built on the south side of the roadway. The roadway itself will undergo a road diet and will be converted to 1 lane each way and a center turn lane and bike lane on the north side in addition to the bike path. This configuration is safer than 2 lanes in each direction with no center turn lane. As part of the project, the intersection of 900 S and Gilmer will reconfigured as a new T-Intersection, which should give cyclists safer access to the Col de Gilmer.

The open house will be Thursday, February 8 from 6-8 pm at the Tracy Aviary Chase Mill House in Liberty Park. The public is encouraged to attend.

900 S will get a bike path as part of a 2018 reconstruction. Graphic from SLC Transportation
900 S will get a bike path as part of a 2018 reconstruction. Graphic from SLC Transportation

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