By Dave Iltis
UPDATE: February 6, 2015 – The ‘final’ draft of the Salt Lake City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is posted for review in advance of the Planning Commission public hearing on February 11, 2015. The plan is posted at http://walkbikeslc.com An explanation from Salt Lake City staff is here: http://www.slcdocs.com/Planning/Planning%20Commission/2015/PBMP24.pdf
Some improvments to the plan have been made, however, it appears that many things remain unaddressed in the plan including bike safe arterials, a bike data program, bike safe bridges, and more.
Comments to the Planning Commission can be sent to: michelle.moeller at. slcgov.com
UPDATE: January 26, 2015 – Comments on the Draft Salt Lake City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan can be submitted by email or at the Salt Lake City Planning Commission meeting on January 28, 2015. The meeting will be held in room 326 of the Salt Lake City and County Building on 451 S. State Street at 5:30 pm, although the Bike/Ped plan will likely be discussed around 7 to 7:30 pm. The meeting agenda and links to previously submitted comments and changes being considered are here: http://www.slcgov.com/planning/planning-2015-planning-commission-meetings
The Draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan is here:
Direct link to previously submitted comments: http://www.slcdocs.com/Planning/Planning%20Commission/2015/PBMPPC.pdf
Direct link to potential changes to the plan: http://www.slcdocs.com/Planning/Planning%20Commission/2015/M28.pdf
To comment in person, attend the meeting to speak and/or submit comments.
To comment via email, send comments to [email protected] by 1-28-2015.
[Editor’s Note: My comments on the draft plan are here: Comments on SLC Bike Plan Draft by Cycling Utah 1-28-2015 ]
UPDATE: Comments are being taken through 12-28-2014.
December 8, 2014 – Salt Lake City has released a draft of the long range Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. The plan has been in the works for almost two years, and is now available in a pdf. Cyclists, pedestrians, and other interested parties are invited to comment on the plan.
The plan will guide many planning and programming decisions over the next 20 years.
The vision of the plan is:
Walking and bicycling in Salt Lake City will be safe, convenient, comfortable, and viable transportation options that connect people to places, foster recreational and economic development opportunities, improve personal health and the environment, and elevate quality of life.
Key aspects of the plan include:
- Developing a low stress bicycle network to appeal to those riders who are interested, but concerned about safety. This will include a protected bikeway network, and a network of bicycle boulevards.
- Several programs to foster cycling in Salt Lake City, including:
•Recreational Bike Routes
•School Bike Trains
•Women’s Cycling Programs
•Winter Cycling Programs - Bike route planning for the next 20 years
- Neighborhood biking nodes.
- Urban Trail Network
The plan is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6UH2d-iagyERWp6b1J4R01iS28/view?usp=sharing
A hard copy is available at the Salt Lake City Transportation Division Office at
349 S. 200 E, Suite 150
Salt Lake City, UT
The executive summary is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6UH2d-iagyEY3ROQ3M2eXpZeUU/view?usp=sharing
UPDATE: Comments are being taken until December 28, 2014 here: http://www.peakdemocracy.com/2335
Comments can also be submitted via email to [email protected] or by phone: 801-535-7112
or by mail to: Salt Lake City Transportation Division
PO Box 145502
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5502
For more information, visit http://walkbikeslc.com/
The 2004 plan is available here: http://www.slcgov.com/transportation/transportation-bicycle-and-pedestrian-master-plan or download it directly here: Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan 2004
Editor’s Note: Cycling Utah’s previously submitted proposals are here. We will post comments on the draft plan soon as well.