Salt Lake City Seeks Responses to Parks and Open Space Needs Survey – Cyclists Encouraged to Respond

2 riders on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. The BST is a key part of Salt Lake City's open space. Photo by Dave Iltis
2 riders on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. The BST is a key part of Salt Lake City’s open space. Photo by Dave Iltis

March 31, 2017 – Salt Lake City has made available a Parks and Open Space Needs Assessment public survey that is the start of a process to guide parks and public lands within Salt Lake City over the next 20 years. Eventually, the Parks and Public Lands Department will produce a Master Plan that will facilitate this. The open lands in the foothills of Salt Lake City is a key area for mountain biking and has potential to have a much improved trail system. Salt Lake City is concurrently working on a trails master plan that will be adjunct to the larger open space and parks plan. Additionally, there are a number of bike parks, pump tracks, jump parks in Salt Lake City that are key parts of the park system. Bicycle Polo needs a home, and there is potential to have a facility within Salt Lake City.

Cyclists and all park and open space users are encouraged to respond to the survey. The survey is just an initial step in the process. It will be followed by more open houses and opportunities to comment once the needs of Salt Lake citizens are assessed. Once the public input portion is concluded, the needs assessment will be created and out in November of 2017.

Take the Survey, Click Here

Salt Lake City’s statement on the survey and link to take it are below:

Salt Lake City Parks and Public Lands is embarking on a new project to plan our growth for the next twenty years. From the earliest days of settlement, parks have been a key element of City planning and our quality of life. That commitment has extended to natural open spaces with a concerted effort over the last 10 years to protect undeveloped natural lands. The City’s 820 acres of parks and more than 1,200 acres of natural lands need regular improvements and maintenance so that they can be enjoyed every day by the community. We want to make sure we make improvements in a way that reflects community needs and priorities.

To get started we are asking you to take a short survey letting us know a little bit about how you use and value the Salt Lake City Parks and Open Spaces. Please Take the Survey or find out more by visiting the project website at .   get started we are asking you to take a short survey letting us know a little bit about how you use and value the Salt Lake City Parks and Open Spaces.

We will also be hosting two public workshops in April please mark your calendars and attend if you can.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Sorenson Multicultural Center 855 W. California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Thursday, April 27, 2017, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Forest Dale Golf Course Clubhouse 2375 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84106


Cycling Utah’s responses to the Survey:

  • What is working well in Salt Lake City’s parks and open space today?

    There is great access to parks and open space. Salt Lake City has been blessed with an awesome greenbelt so close to the city.

  • What is not working well in Salt Lake City’s parks and open space today?

    SLC needs a trails master plan for mountain biking and hiking. SLC needs a recreational cycling plan (submitted previously: )
    Also, many of the facilities are in disrepair such as the Lindsay Gardens tennis courts, 900 E and Sugarmont (?) tennis courts. The Fairmont Park court is right next to the Boys and Girls club, and could be a great facility for that group.
    There’s no facility for the fast growing sport of bike polo. One of these tennis courts could be converted.
    Often in the foothills there are issues with some off leash dogs whose owners don’t control their pets well.
    Basketball is left up to the schools mostly. This is ok, but only if the nets are in good repair. Basketball is a great outlet for all ages, and keeping the court and net in good repair is easy, but often overlooked. Some partnership with the SLC School system is needed.

  • Which park or open space do you visit the most?

    Bonneville Shoreline Trail

  • How do you get to that park or open space?
    • Other – Bike and car
  • How often to you visit Salt Lake City parks and open spaces?
    • Weekly
  • What amenities do you most commonly use when visiting parks and open spaces? (choose up to five)
    • Benches and shady areas
    • Basketball
    • Open grassy areas
    • Hiking or biking trails
    • Natural open space
  • What are the most important functions of parks and open spaces? Please rank by sorting the list below from most important to least important.
    1. Protection of environment and ecosystems
    2. Outdoor fitness, health and staying active
    3. Opportunities to connect with nature
    4. Community and neighborhood quality of life
    5. Spending time with family and friends
    6. Cultural events, such as live music and festivals
    7. Space for organized sports, such as intramural or competitive leagues
  • Anything we didn’t mention? Additional comments:

    There needs to be a network of trails and bike routes to connect the various parks. Each park should be accessible by biking or walking.
    Liberty Park and Sugarhouse Park would benefit from having a bike share station, especially Liberty Park.
    SLC needs to resume its Bike Park Plan. This was started a few years ago, but never completed.
    Also, see the Recreational Cycling Plan as mentioned previously.
    Lastly, why hasn’t the Recreation Bond been revisited? The SLC Council was going to revisit this in 2016, but so far hasn’t. This would be of great benefit for SLC.

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