Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee News for April 2015


Bicycling in UtahBy Ian Scharine

As we head into the truly warm months that lie ahead, the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee is pleased to announce the election of its executive committee members for the calendar year 2015. John Herbert has been re-elected chair of the committee and will continue to fill the role with enthusiasm and vision. For the first time in a year, the committee has a vice-chair. Kate Sturgeon boldly stepped forward for the job and fills a position of leadership and wisdom that is essential to the functioning of the full committee. David Ward and Ian Scharine have been re-elected to serve respectively, as treasurer and secretary. AJ Martine will continue to contribute his input and strategic thinking as past chair advisor.

Please take time to check out the following links, SLCBAC is collaborating directly with these organizations. What is needed is direct community engagement and participation, much of the planned development will determine a significant portion of the future of bicycle use in and along these vital county resources:

Cycling Cottonwood effort – (Email [email protected] to be added to the email list)

We are excited for what this year will bring! The Utah Bike Summit is right around the corner in April, and May is Bike Month. Time to hit the streets and take advantage of the great resources our state has to offer. We hope to see you on the first Wednesday of each month at our meetings, ride safely!


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