Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee News for July 2015


Cycling West - Cycling Utah Magazine logoBy Ian Scharine

Summer has finally arrived in the valley and July hosts both Independence Day and Utah’s own Pioneer Day. That means that there are plenty of street festival and bicycle friendly activities planned. Take your family out on one of the cool evenings for a leisurely ride to the park along Sugarhouse’s S-Line or through The Draw at 1300 East in Salt Lake City. Downtown Salt Lake City features events at the Gallivan Plaza, the Twilight Series at Pioneer Park and of course the Farmer’s Market each Saturday. Most of the county’s cities and townships have their own events planned, visit yours on the county link and find out what’s going on in your neck of the woods:

Salt Lake County is endeavoring to create a network of bicycle paths and trails throughout the county. These popular and short-trip courses will be linked through a network of signage that each region can apply for through their respective city/town jurisdictions. Got an idea for a good one? Contact your local city government and inquire how you can get involved and assist in this exciting project. If you wish to contact the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee directly just email us at [email protected] or attend one of our public meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at the County Government Complex.

Have a fun and safe summer enjoying Salt Lake County’s great bicycle resources!

For more information on SLCBAC, visit:


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