SLCBAC News for April 2016


By Ian Scharine — With a rare normal winter season gradually losing its grip, the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee is engaged in a busy year of projects and support for the community. The group has already sent a member to the annual Washington D.C. Bicycle Conference where representatives from each state interact and share ideas and strategies that have helped their communities support bicycle transportation. Additionally the beginning of April will see the Utah Bicycle Summit host an impressive panel of speakers and sessions designed to improve the outlook for bicycles in our great state and connect us with the global efforts to spread the bicycle phenomenon in all communities.

The committee is working closely with Salt Lake County to provide input on a number of studies that will determine the transportation future of the county for years to come. Interested citizens should pay close attention to mailing lists such as MBAC and the SLCBAC list for links to surveys, public meeting announcements and calls to action. Finally, on April 30th the committee will hold its annual spring ride which the public is encouraged to join. Details will be sent out via mailing lists and posted on the committee’s Facebook page. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email [email protected].

Just a reminder that all of our monthly meeting have moved to the SECOND Wednesday of each month. Below is a listing of this year’s remaining meetings. The meetings are still held in room N2-800 of the north County Government Building at 2001 South State Street.

Wed, Apr 13, 2016– 2nd Weds in Apr

Wed. May 11, 2016– 2nd Weds in May

Wed. Jun. 8, 2016– 2nd Weds in June

Wed. Jul. 13, 2016– 2nd Weds in July

Wed. Aug. 10, 2016– 2nd Weds in Aug

Wed. Sep. 14, 2016– 2nd Weds in Sept

Wed. Oct. 12, 2016– 2nd Weds in Oct

Wed. Nov. 9, 2016– 2nd Weds in Nov

Wed. Dec. 14, 2016– 2nd Weds in Dec

For more information, visit

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