SLCBAC News for April 2017 – Committee Members Wanted


By Ian Scharine – It is hard to believe that it is already April and spring is in effect. The past month was packed with activities for bicycle enthusiasts including the North American Handmade Bicycle Show right in our own backyard, the Utah Bike Summit and the National Bicycle Convention in Washington D.C. SLCBAC is happy to say that they had representatives at each event. Not only does each offer great opportunities with industry and grassroots individuals, but it fills an educational service in understanding more about the evolving world of bikes and challenges facing developing communities. Salt Lake County is just beginning the process of determining how it will use the funding from its Federal Tiger Grant. The committee is hard at work making sure that bicycles get their share of the funding and we can use your help and input at meetings.One of the first objectives the committee needs to address is to fill out its membership board. Recent months have seen several members retire from service to the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee. While their contributions will be missed, this provides the openings to add new members with new energy, perspectives and expertise. The committee specifically hopes to attract residents from outlying counties (west, south) to better get an understanding of the directions and needs of communities such as South and West Jordan, West Valley, Daybreak, Kearns, Magna, Herriman, Bluffdale and Draper. If you are from one of these communities and are interested, or know someone who wants to make a difference, please check out Salt Lake County’s volunteer page at the following link:

Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at the County Government Center. Currently, we are without a permanent meeting room for the year and expect to resolve this by the next meeting. You can find more information by checking the county website at or by requesting to join our mailing list or the MBAC mailing list. Salt Lake County needs your efforts, keep riding and let us know what you want to see for the future of bicycling in our beautiful community!


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