SLCBAC News for August 2016


By Ian Scharine — Celebrating the long, hot summer of 2016 many of you already realize that it is much more comfortable on a bicycle than stuck in a car during one of the Wasatch Front’s daily traffic jams. With the wind in your hair and an open bike lane, sometimes two wheels will get the better of four! August will bring the United States’ biggest bicycle event: the Tour of Utah. Cycling Utah/West offers some of the best coverage you will find anywhere. The County Bicycle Advisory Committee is committed to supporting this event and looks forward to Stage 4 which will take place in Salt Lake County.

In addition to supporting many bicycle events statewide, the committee endeavors to partner with organizations to improve safety and education for cyclists of all ages. The generous budget provided by the County allows us to support schools, communities and a variety of causes across a range of funding needs including bicycle racks, locks, helmets and outreach programs. Our goal is assisting communities to improve Active Transportation and encourage more bicycle riders to take to the streets. Moreover, Salt Lake County would like to see all cities and townships initiate their own Bicycle Advisory Committees. It can start as simply as a handful of concerned citizens willing to champion the cause for better bicycle resources. If you would like to initiate your own committee, contact your city administration office and inquire about assembling a volunteer group. SLCBAC is happy to help the cause and can offer the guidance and direction needed to get you rolling.

A great way to see volunteerism in action is to attend our monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. You can also choose to assist the committee with projects or express your own concerns with improvements you hope to see in your own neighborhoods and cities. Below is a list of remaining meetings for this year. Keep hydrated, keep safe and most of all, keep riding!

  • Wed. Aug. 10, 2016– 2nd Wednesday in August
  • Wed. Sep. 14, 2016– 2nd Wednesday in September
  • Wed. Oct. 12, 2016– 2nd Wednesday in October
  • Wed. Nov. 9, 2016– 2nd Wednesday in November
  • Wed. Dec. 14, 2016– 2nd Wednesday in December

For more information, visit

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