SLCBAC News for March 2014


By Ian Scharine

How do you follow up “Year of the Bike”? 2013 was a landmark year for bicycle advocacy; the Salt Lake county and city mayors made it clear that the future of downtown and Salt Lake County would include greener infrastructure with the promise of better alternative transportation in the immediate future. On January 25th of this year, approximately five thousand citizens crowded the Capitol stairs to announce their dedication to improving air quality for the health of current and future generations of residents. All of this adds up to a growing movement that indicates citizens choosing healthier lifestyles and caring about the quality of life where they live and work. The Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee (SLCBAC) is one spoke driving the momentum of this movement and like any other volunteer organization they can’t do it without community help. SLCBAC’s stated task is to advise the county mayor, Ben McAdams, on all bicycle related matters. The committee needs motivated and passionate citizens to help serve on sub-committees assisting in matters of budget, education, outreach, economic and infrastructure development. You can get involved by attending our meetings which are held on the first Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held in Suite N-3001 of the Salt Lake County Government Center, 2001 S. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah from 5:30 – 7:30 pm.


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