States Can Disregard Cyclist Safety at Freeway Interchanges


By Charles Pekow — States are encouraged, but not required, to consider the needs of bicyclists when modifying access to interstate highways under new rules adopted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). While federal law mandates FHWA approval for adding or altering access to interstate highways, the updated rules stop short of making accommodations for bicyclists mandatory. Although bicycles are prohibited on most interstate highways, cyclists may need to cross access ramps.

1000 North off-ramp from I-15 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Note the lake of a bike lane across the ramp. Photo by Dave Iltis

The new rule, which became effective December 9, requires states to evaluate the impact of access modifications on all users. It notes, “The existing and projected land use along the crossroad should be examined, and opportunities to improve connectivity for pedestrian and bicycle travel should be considered as part of the access modification.”

For details, see


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