Take Part in the Utah Collaborative Active Transportation Study


Utah transportation leaders have announced the launch of UCATS, the Utah Collaborative Active Transportation Study, a comprehensive project that will look at ways to enhance pedestrian and bicycle connections to major transit lines and lay the groundwork for an urban network of bicycle routes along the Wasatch Front. UCATS is co-managed by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) in partnership with Wasatch Front Regional Council, Mountainland Association of Governments and Salt Lake County.

The UCATS project team is inviting everyone interested in walking and bicycling on the Wasatch Front to participate in the conversation through the UCATS project website, hosted by MindMixer. The UCATS website, www.ucatsplan.com, will provide ongoing information about the study and establish a forum for dialogue on local walking and bicycling issues. Discussions that take place through the UCATS website will help the project team shape recommendations for bicycling and walking infrastructure along the Wasatch Front.

Visit the UCATS project website at www.ucatsplan.com, and tell the project team what you think.


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  1. We need more & better connection with rail service & cycling routes. Event sponsors located at a Trax or FrontRunner line should offer discounts & incentives for taking mass transit &/or riding their bikes. For example, the Home Show at the Expo Center could offer a $1.00 with a Trax or FrontRunner ticket.

  2. UDOT should be more proactive in budgeting, programming and planning for bike lanes when doing highway and road repairs and realignment. Even a quarter mile helps. A case in point is the recent road work at Pineview Reservoir. The road was repaired and improved but no thought was given to providing a safety corridor for the many bike riders who use the road.

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