The 2017 Utah Bike Summit: People Powered


The Utah Bike Summit is the statewide bicycle conference. The summit brings together everyday riders, bicycle and trail advocates, representatives from Utah’s bicycle industry, planners, engineers, representatives from Utah’s tourism industry and health fields, and local and state government officials in order to make Utah more bicycle friendly. Regardless of your interest in bicycling (transportation, recreation, road, mountain, commuter), the Utah Bike Summit is for you and all are encouraged to attend.

Utah Bike Summit
March 14, 2017
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Ogden, Utah

Register at

Every year we work to bring in great speakers who can help to advance all of the work being done for bicycling in Utah. And this year is no different. Here is a quick overview of some of the great speakers who will be at this year’s summit:

  • This year’s keynote speaker is Mike Lydon who is an expert on active transportation demonstration and pilot projects, also known as tactical urbanism. These types of projects help communities experience the benefits of new bicycle infrastructure by being able to try it out. Mike will discuss how communities can implement these projects to build public support for permanent installations.
  • Greg Bell, President and CEO of the Utah Hospital Association as well as past Lieutenant Governor of Utah, will explore the nexus of health, physical activity, and quality of life.
  • Carlos Braceras, UDOT’s Executive Director, will be giving an update on all of the initiatives being undertaken at the Utah Department of Transportation. His update will be followed by regional breakout sessions where summit attendees can give input on UDOT plans and projects.
  • Nicole Iroz-Elardo from Urban Design 4 Health in Portland, Oregon will present the results from Utah’s Active Transportation Benefits Study. This study identifies the economic, environmental, and health benefits that bicycling and walking bring to the State of Utah. The results from this study will serve as justification for further investment in active transportation infrastructure
  • Lynette Carpiet, Editor-in-Chief of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News, and Alex Logemann, State + Local Policy Analyst for PeopleForBikes, will be on two panels addressing bicycle industry trends and strategies for growing all types of bicycling.
  • Provo Mayor John Curtis and Cameron Diehl, Director of Government Relations for the Utah League of Cities and Towns, will be presenting a session about how to speak to elected officials about bicycling.

There will also be sessions focused on: using crowd-sourcing to inform active transportation efforts; resources for rural communities to develop active transportation networks; and how to get more mountain bike trails built more quickly.

The Utah Bike Summit is an all-day event and registration includes all sessions, networking opportunities, and catered lunch.

Thank you to this year’s summit sponsors: TravelWise, Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee, Bonneville Cycling Club, SOAR Communications, UTA, Visit Salt Lake, Mercury Wheels, HDR, REI, Amer Sports, Athletic Event Supply, Staker Parson, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Alta Planning + Design, Fehr & Peers, Get Healthy Utah, Parametrix, the Governor’s Office of Outdoor Recreation, Mountainland Association of Governments, Horrocks Engineers, Landmark Design, Clif Bar, Adventure Utah, Cycling Utah, WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, Salt Lake City Transportation, and the Ogden Bicycle Collective.

For more information and to register, visit


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