UN Declares June 3rd as World Bicycle Day


The United Nations has declared June 3rd as International World Bicycle Day, by adopting a resolution on April 12th 2018, during the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, in New York City.

The resolution was adopted by a consensus of 193 member states. The declaration invites all Member States and relevant stakeholders to celebrate and promote awareness of the World Bicycle Day. The declaration encourages Member States to devote particular attention to the bicycle in cross-cutting development strategies and to include the bicycle in international, regional, national and subnational development policies and programmes. H.E. Ambassador, Aksoltan Ataeva, Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the United Nations, introduced the draft resolution, co-sponsored by 56 countries, to the General Assembly for the vote. The Assembly adopted the resolution, declaring June 3rd as World Bicycle Day.

The World Cycling Alliance (WCA) and the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) welcome this resolution adopted by the UNGA, after having campaigned for a UN designated World Bicycle Day since 2016. WCA and ECF Secretary General Dr. Bernhard Ensink states “Cycling is a source for social, economic and environmental benefits – and it is bringing people together. WCA and ECF are extremely happy with this declaration. This UN declaration is an acknowledgment of the contribution of cycling to the sustainable development goals (SDGs)”. WCA and ECF delivered a document to the UN in 2015 in which it is shown that cycling delivers directly on at least 12 of the 17 SGDs, titled “Cycling Delivers on the Global Goals!”.

WCA and ECF acknowledge the extraordinary work of Leszek Sibilski, Professor of Sociology at Montgomery College, Maryland, US and his students campaigning for #WorldBicycleDay.

WCA will hold its next Annual General Meeting on the 11th June 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the day before ECF’s flagship conference Velo-city 2018 Rio kicks off. The WCA will celebrate in Rio the UN resolution on the World Bicycle Day! #June3WorldBicycleDay

For more information, see the World Cycling Alliance website.


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