University of Utah Releases Bike Master Plan


By Dave Iltis

On April 18th, the University of Utah released their new Bicycle Master Plan, an addendum to the Campus Master Plan.

The plan was contracted by the Campus Planning and the Facilities Management Departments at the University and was produced by Psomas and Alta Planning.

The comprehensive plan focuses on facilities and programs on the University Campus. It also includes recommendations on working with UDOT, UTA, and Salt Lake City for developing solutions where the University interacts with those entities.

The University recently hired a Heidi Goedhart as the Bicycle Coordinator intern, and is in the process of applying to be a Bike Friendly University.

Myron Willson, director of the Office of Sustainability was, “thrilled that the administration understands the need for human powered transportation,” and remarked that everyone will benefit from the plan.

The plan is available online at


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